Thursday, July 26, 2012

Music Theory Through Fun Card Games

Just as words and sounds are the building blocks of language, tonal and rhythm patterns are the building blocks of musical literacy. In Musikgarten, we introduce these patterns from the very beginning, just as you introduce your babies to your native language.

When children are old enough to point to the golden arches and say "That's McDonalds" then they are probably old enough to participate in our floor card games. And who doesn't like to play games? We have fun identifying certain tonal and rhythm patterns, like a broken (separated) tonic chord or 2 quarter notes. Careful preparation make simple written patterns a joy for the children - pieces of a fascinating, simple puzzle, which they can take pride in putting together. They will come for the fun, and they will want to stay for the education!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hotwire failed me

Until now, I have had a good experience using hotwire to book a great hotel room. I found out the hard way that if you choose a 2 1/2 star "hotel" you can end up in an awful "motel." This happened to me last week when I wanted to stay in Tifton, GA overnight on my way to Ellijay. I ended up in a Holiday Inn motel, which was pretty awful, scary, and with a creature crawling up the wall the moment I stepped into the room. Earlier in the day, I had called both hotwire and the Holiday Inn trying to change, to upgrade, to cancel, whatever, but once you book it, you are stuck, unless there's a funeral in the family, or a written doctor's rx. No exceptions, I don't think. Of course I survived the night, but it was mostly sleepless since anyone could have broken into my room. Therefore, with hotwire, I'll stick to 3 1/2 stars and up in the future. That just might insure a Hotel. Comments welcome, I'm all ears. - Susan

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My blog on Yahoo News Reader

I just added my blog url to My Yahoo News Reader. You can too, and you will receive an alert whenever a new blog is published.

How to improve your singing voice

Are you afraid to sing? Try apple cider vinegar and honey and warm water in the morning - it will improve your vocal chords, truly! 2 TBSP vinegar, 2 TBSP honey, and 1/2 cup of warm water - tastes good and works like a charm! - Susan

Saturday, July 11, 2009

How to start a blog

Do you want to start a blog, but you are not sure where to begin? And do you want to be able to monetize your blog? Go to iTunes and search Tom Antion. Download his one hour audio guide for $4.95. He is fantastic. I'm sure his website is filled with free hints and tips, along with some ads, of course. Here is his webpage from Amazon:

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Keep your children happy in the car with music

Going on a road trip this summer with your children? Don't forget to take your favorite music with you. Before you starti hearing "Are we there yet?" just put in your cd or i-pod and play some broadway tunes, your Musikgarten CD, or whatever music you and your family enjoy together. If you are singing along with the CD, you will soon discover that your children will sing along too. Find a song that you ALL like, then turn off the CD and see if everyone can sing the song without the CD help. Have a contest to see who can sing all the words from memory! With music, you'll arrive at your destination happy, with a lot fewer sibling arguments.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Paris Creperie to go far for

A fabulous find of a restaurant in Paris, thanks to our budget tourbook - the Breizh Creperie - in the 3eme arrondissement, in the neighborhood called Le Marais - every dish was exquisite and very reasonable - finally, something that didn't hurt our wallets too much, and every bite was delicieux. Once I find the metro stop and address, I'll let you know.